Emulate RealtimeDB

The field realtimeDB gives you an option to have a separate RealtimeDB from your production RealtimeDB. This separate RealtimeDB is an emulated RealtimeDB that lives in your cloud environment for the duration of your session. The realtimeDB field expects an array of reference paths. You have two options on how to fill an emulated RealtimeDB:

Specify your emulated RealtimeDB data directly with JSON


- ref: workspace-invites/workspace-1


- child: user-1

data: '{"status":"accepted"}'

- child: user-2

data: '{"status":"pending"}'


Copy data from your production RealtimeDB


- ref: workspace-invites/workspace-1


- getFromProd: [user-3, user-4]

# This options tells Foundry to take all children from the reference path 'workspace-1'

# in your production RealtimeDB

- getFromProd: all


You can combine both the direct approach and getFromProd approach